Life is our learning ground

A crisis of confidence is a common human experience.

It can feel debilitating. But by embracing your own lack of self-confidence, step by step, you'll get yourself back on track and grow as a yoga teacher.

Printable workbook

The course includes a PDF workbook that you can download and keep. It takes you through a process of reframing the way you see yourself as a yoga teacher.
Workbook pages

What to expect from this course

Listen to valuable insights from experienced yoga teachers. Discover tools and strategies that offer opportunities for your personal growth as well as enhancing your teaching skills. Learn to lead yoga classes with greater confidence, adaptability, and resilience.

  • Learn why experiencing a lack of confidence is completely normal and how to recognise its patterns

  • Find both short-term and long-term strategies that you can implement immediately

  • Discover how to view self-doubt in a new light, so you can take proactive steps to regain confidence when it wavers

  • Equip yourself with tools and techniques to manage future crises of confidence

  • Develop the skills to support fellow teachers or students who are experiencing their own moments of self-doubt

Course curriculum

    1. 1.1 About this course

    2. 1.2 Why take this course

    3. 1.3 How to use this course

    4. 1.4 Before we begin...

    1. 2.1 The challenges of yoga teaching

    2. 2.2 Facing your teaching challenges

    3. 2.3 How confidence gets knocked

    4. 2.4 Ten quick fixes to give you a boost right now

    1. 3.1 The roots of self-doubt

    2. 3.2 How sensitive are you?

    3. 3.3 How to navigate self-doubt

    4. 3.4 Your skill level

    1. 4.1 Understanding imposter syndrome

    2. 4.2 Making mistakes

    3. 4.3 Embracing vulnerability

    4. 4.4 Holding the space

    1. 5.1 How to build a foundation of stability and resilience

    2. 5.2 How to find the right support

    3. 5.3 Rekindling your enthusiasm without overwhelm

    4. 5.4 Developing sustainability and making changes

    1. 6.1 Yoga as sadhana

    2. 6.2 Svadyaya

    3. 6.3 Viveka

    4. 6.4 Satya

About this course

  • £75.00
  • 32 lessons

Take the course

You have 12 months to work through this course, and repeat if needed. The workbook is yours to keep and use forever. Choose your own fee - take a discount if you need it - pay it forward to someone else one day when you can.

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